Hello book friends! Do guys know how long it’s been since I did a book tag?? Literally so long. In fact, my last book tag was the end of year book tag… posted in 2021. Whoops. So much has changed for me since then, though!
Anyway, I saw this little tag over at Novel Lives and I thought it would be fun to participate. The tag was originally created by Roison, whose video you can find here. So without further ado, let’s get into the questions! quarter year crisis quarter year crisis
1. How many books have you read so far?
So far I’ve read 17 books and am well on my way to finishing my 18th this week. I’m actually reading incredibly slow and I find myself distracted very quickly, so honestly I’m not too happy with this number. I am ahead of my Goodreads goal, though, so I got that going for me. But I do miss those days in like 2017/2018 where I could plop down, pick up a book, and not put it down for hours. What happened??
2. Have you already read a book that might be a 2023 favorite?
This one right here! I read this back in January and nothing has topped this book since. You’ve probably seen it around on Bookstagram if you’re on there, and with reason. I have yet to find someone who did not like this book (if you’re the person who did not like this book, please keep that information to yourself, my fragile heart can’t handle negative opinions). The sequel came out this month and I’m soooo excited to read it. Unfortunately there was a delay with the hardcovers, so none of them have made it to The Netherland yet.
3. What was your favorite book that you read that wasn’t quite a five star?
Okay the only reason I docked half a star on this one is because I felt like we deserved to have a Jaren POV. It would’ve added so much to the tension between him and Kiva. I honestly feel a little bit robbed that we never got that. I would’ve been happy with only two chapters, too. Ah well, other than that, consider this series my new obsession.
4. Any least favorite books of the year?
This book wasn’t really bad, but I kept losing interest in it the more I read. At some point I didn’t even care about that characters that much anymore. I did like the plot, though. The ending was fab, too. But with all those things in mind I’m still not entirely sure whether I’ll pick up the sequel.
5. Most read genres so far?
Fantasy is yet again my most-read genre. I keep trying to read different things, but I just like fantasy too much and other genres too little. Though I’ve been making an effort to read more non-fiction as well. I’m very interested in false narratives, disinformation and information warfare, so I’ve picked up a bunch of books on those topics. Actually I bought a graphic novel on why mistruths stick so well, and it’s been really fun to read! But yeah, other than that, fantasy is still my go-to.
6. Book that’s come out in 2023 already that you want to read but haven’t yet?
I’m still trying to catch up with all the releases from three years ago and you ask me this question?? Actually I haven’t been doing too bad at reading my anticipated releases for this year. Many are still coming out with the best month being October. But one book that I did want to read but haven’t yet is Mysteries of Thorn Manor. I shall try to get it soon.
7. One goal you are succeeding at?
I only have one solid goal this year and that’s my Goodreads goal. I am very much succeeding at it, and I’ve actually not failed my Goodreads goal in years. Another goal I have is to read one non-fiction per month, which I’m sort of succeeding at. I didn’t read any non-fiction in January, but oh well. I’ve already read more non-fiction in these first three months than I did in all of 2022.
8. One goal you made you need to focus on?
I had the grand idea to set a goal of 30K pages on The Story Graph, and I’m behind by 1616 pages. I’m hoping to catch up a little on it once I finish my reread of House of Sky and Breath, but I’m usually too slow to make much of a difference. I do have some hefty books on my TBR like the second half of Oathbringer and the whole of Rhythm of War. If only it was physically possible to read those tomes in 24 hours… I would’ve caught up so fast.
9. New-to-you book bloggers for 2023 you recommend?
Funnily enough I just started following two new-to-me book bloggers this week. They are Biblio Nerd Reflections and The Geekish Brunette. Both post regularly it seems, so give them a follow if you haven’t already!
And that’s it for the Quarter Year Crisis Book Tag! As always, tag yourself if you want to participate. If you crave more tags, I save all tags I participate in right here!