Happy Top Ten Tuesday everyone! The weather today is so nice! It’s warm and sunny, I’m even wearing shorts! Good, sunny weather does wonders for my mood and my productivity.
Anyway, Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can find all past and future prompts on her blog! This week the prompt is: places in books I’d like to live!places in books places in books
Okay so most of the worlds I read about are beautiful, but not very safe to live in. But with that said, there are definitely some places I’d like to purchase an apartment! Or a mansion… or a castle…
A Court of Mist and Fury
By Sarah J. Maas
This really shouldn’t come as a surprise lol. I think it’s also one of the only places in fantasy books that’s pretty safe, so no horrible death for me! But overall Velaris just seems like a really cool place to live. It seems like the type of place you’d go to on vacation because of the relaxed atmosphere, but instead you live there forever! Plus, we know it has some awesome shops.
Red London
A Darker Shade of Magic
By V.E. Scwab
Red London is another place that’s full of magic but at the same time should be relatively safe. Uhm, that is if we ignore what happened in A Gathering of Shadows/A Conjuring of Light. Anyway Red London seems like a super fun, lively place, in which there is always something to do. Would totally move there.
Strange the Dreamer
By Laini Taylor
I would think that by now you all know I’m obsessed with Strange the Dreamer. Weep is one of my favorite worlds, because Taylor has such a whimsical way of writing and describing it. It is also a place that is warm, and I love warmth. I’m thinking I’m actually part lizard. Tbh, I would’ve even moved there while the big God machine thingie was still in the sky and casting the entire city in shadow.
The Raven Boys
By Maggie Stiefvater
Okay this one is kinda funny because the story takes place in Virginia and I did actually live there for five years. But the Virginia in this book is just not the same Virginia as where I lived. I mean, I lived in NoVa, and despite it having more trees than the whole of The Netherlands, it’s just not quite as whimsical as the more rural Virginia. Cabeswater would seem perfect because it’s literally magical, and I love magical and whimsical things, in case you couldn’t tell.
By Marissa Meyer
Okay, I’d only want to live here after the events of this series. I certainly wouldn’t want Levana as my queen, no thank you. But I love all things space, and as far as space cities go, Luna doesn’t seem all that bad! It’s definitely better than most other space-stations/cities I’ve read about…
Crecsent City
House of Earth and Blood
By Sarah J. Maas
Crescent City seems like a fun place to live because it’s so modern and similar to our own world. But in addition it also has magic. Okay, I will not lie, I wouldn’t want to live here as a human. But as any other magical being it seems like it would be a good place to live! Plus, I get to pet the messenger otters, which should be enough motivation to move.
The Shadow Cipher
By Laura Ruby
This middle grade book takes place in an alternative New York. It’s all very steampunky, which I love. I actually love normal New York, too, but I think the version in this book is better, lol. I mean, subways are a great way to get around the city, but it would be so much more fun if they were super high off the ground and you could see the whole city pass you by!
By Stephanie Garber
So I will admit that even though I’m a total wimp, I do enjoy some spookiness sometimes. Caraval seems a little spooky because you can’t really trust your senses, and I just love the overall circus vibe. Not sure how I can live in Caraval as it isn’t really a place, but I’d find a way to make it work!
Six of Crows
By Leigh Bardugo
Ketterdam seems cool because it’s based on Amsterdam and I can’t afford real Amsterdam, so Ketterdam it is. Actually I wouldn’t want to live in real Amsterdam… Too many tourists, lol. Anyway, I do love the look of Amsterdam, and Ketterdam definitely gives off similar vibes with its stately mansions and canals!
Sorcery of Thorns
By Margaret Rogerson
Lastly, Austermeer seems like a gerat place to live. I loved this world, and forever wish there were more books set in it. It’s the perfect world for any bookworm that likes adventure, because the books in this story can transform into monsters. Also, there’s cool magic. Would move there!
That’s it for today! These are the worlds I’d probably feel most comfortable in. And also am least likely to die a horrible death in… Which fictional worlds would you like to live in?
Velaris and Red London were on my list this week too. I’d also like to experience Caraval. I liked reading about Ketterdam but it sounded a tad dangerous for me to actually want to live there!
My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2021/03/30/top-ten-tuesday-309/
simonevanheijst Author
March 30, 2021 / 9:39 pm
I probably wouldn’t survive Ketterdam for very long, but the sights would be cool for a little while haha.
I bet you’d enjoy all of these fascinating spots. But I think I’ll stick to spots that have a little less city in them.
I think so too! I love cities, but now that I think about it, I could’ve come up with a fictional country retreat ?
Velaris does sound cool!
My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-places-in-books-id-love-to-live/
Velaris and Red London were on my list this week too. I’d also like to experience Caraval. I liked reading about Ketterdam but it sounded a tad dangerous for me to actually want to live there!
My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2021/03/30/top-ten-tuesday-309/
I probably wouldn’t survive Ketterdam for very long, but the sights would be cool for a little while haha.
You’ve got such awesome places on your list! If I had gone with fantasy locations, we would have had so much overlap.
Thank you!! I like to pick fictional places because I take escaping reality to the next level ?
Luna would be interesting! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!