Happy Monday book friends! Well, it’s official. The Netherlands is in a hard lockdown. Only for a few weeks, hopefully. On the bright side, the ice rink remains open because it’s considered outside and I now also have tons of time for reading!
On that note, I thought it would be fun to make a little post about my reading goals for 2022! I’ll also touch upon my goals of this year and tell you whether I was successful or not so much. Do tell me in the comments whether you are setting any reading goals for next year, too! reading goals 2022
My 2021 goals: did I complete them?
Honestly my goals for the past year were pretty simple. I wanted to read 50 books, read more adult literature, and create a reading journal.
I easily made my goal of reading 50 books this year. By now I’ve read 80, so I went over my goal just a wee bit. Still not entirely sure how I managed to do that, because I also wrote a whole thesis between February and June… Okay fine, I procrastinated on that by reading a lot of books for fun, but still. I also started a new job at H&M and work lots of hours. In the beginning my reading did slow down, because being on my feet all day after not doing that for over a year is tiring. But I’m cured of that too now, so my reading recovered.
Despite reading a lot more compared to other years, I thankfully never felt pressured to read as much as I possibly can. I took it one book at a time and genuinely read lots of great books this year!
My other goal was to read more adult books. I had been very YA focused the last few years, but I feel like I’m outgrowing parts of it. I’m now gravitating more toward YA marketed toward older teens and new adults. But adult books can also be so intimidating. I ended up reading 32 books marketed toward new adults/adults, though! Compare that to 21 in 2020 and I’d say there’s progress there. I even found some new favorites like The Shadow of the Gods and the Legacy Trilogy!
Lastly, I wanted to keep a reading journal. I ended up making layouts for three books and then quit. I think it was one of those things that looked great in my head but then lacked in execution. So, failed lol.
My goals for next year
My goals for 2022 won’t be very different from this year. I will set an amount for the Goodreads reading challenge like I do each year, but I’m still debating on how high. I want to do 50 because it’s my ~comfort amount~ (read: I make it every year), but I could also easily make 60 or even 70. Hmm… decisions decisions.
My next goal has everything to do with my TBR. I recently wrote up a list of all the books on my TBR (even cleaned up a little and removed some old ones) and it’s quite large. Not in the 100s large, but still big. And the worst part is that I already own many of the books on this list. So my goal is to of course read more of the books I already own!
Lastly, I want to try and keep a reading journal again, but go at it a little differently this time. I bought a beautiful bullet journal a while ago, and I want to use it to create review spreads of my favorite books. I’m not going to be motivated to make a layout for every book I read, so sticking to my favorites will likely help me complete this goal. I have already started writing down notes while reading books I want to review. This way I won’t be sitting behind my laptop struggling to come up with reasons why I liked or didn’t like a book…
Good luck with your reader goals! Hope you enjoy those books on your TBR~ Definitely would love to see those review spreads/bullet journal pages you are planning on making~
No reading goals for me in the next year, I am just going to continue having fun reading + try to ignore people’s opinions on my reading. XD