Happy WWW Wednesday everyone! I keep thinking that I don’t leave that much time between WWW Wednesday posts, but my last one was posted in May lmao. So, I’m not updating you on all of that, but I will tell you about some recent and upcoming reads of mine!
I have, surprisingly, been rereading a bit less. I’m actually discovering new books! In my June Wrap Up I mentioned that I had started rereading the Witchlands series in anticipation of Witchshadow coming out. I’ll tell you right here and now that I finished my reread of those books, and Witchshadow itself finally came in the mail, so you can already guess which book I’ll read next! Below are the books I’ve read since finishing the Witchlands!discovering new books discovering new books
And oh yeah, here’s the rules for WWW Wednesday, of course.
WWW Wednesday is hosted by Taking on a World of Books, and all you need to do is answer these three questions:rereads
– What are you currently reading? – What did you recently finish reading? – And what do you think you’ll read next?
What I’m Currently Reading
Ashes of the Sun
By Django Wexler
To be honest, I have no clue anymore how this one came on my radar. I marked it “to read” on The Story Graph, and coincidentally found it in the bookstore. So I bought it, obviously. I’m now nearly finished with it, and I think it’ll become a new favorite of the year! I starts off really strong, and never really ebbs. Definitely had some “ooooh” moments, too. It’s a somewhat recent book, in that the sequel isn’t out yet. But soon!! And I already can’t wait.
What I Recently Finished
The Jungle
By Clive Cussler
This was the first book I read since finishing Bloodwitch. I’ve had this book on my shelves since like, 2014, so it was high time that I read it. Every now and then I really enjoy a good adventure thriller where the fate of the real world is in peril. This particular story revolves around a private security company, and I took a class on PSCs last semester. Result: I understood the lingo. I should probably try to read these books in order, though, considering this is #8 in this particular series.
By Brandon Sanderson
Okay, so I did reread more. I just really felt like rereading the Mistborn series. It was still very enjoyable the second time around. One of my friends read the first book many years ago, but never continued. So, obviously I’m forcing him to buddy read the rest of the series with me. But currently I’m distracted by other books, so who knows when that’ll happen lol.
Winter’s Orbit
By Everina Maxwell
And that brings me to my most recent finished book! I’ve seen Winter’s Orbit around a lot, but actually had no idea what it was about until I picked it up at the bookstore. I thought it was a fun read; definitely more character driven than plot driven, though. Although the plot did pick up significantly in the second half. I have my full review here!
What I’ll Read Next
By Susan Dennard
I already hinted at it at the beginning of this post, but my next read will very likely be Witchshadow! I really wanted to read it right after I finished Bloodwitch, but getting the edition I wanted proved to be hard. Online retailers did have it, but I would have had to wait three weeks. So my local bookstore ordered it for me, and that only took a week to arrive. I’m excited to dive back in this world, and hopefully I haven’t forgotten too much of Bloodwitch yet!
And that’s it for today’s WWW Wednesday! I’ll make an effort to post these more often. I’m still trying to figure out work-life-blogging-reading, but I’ll get there. After all, I completed Blogtober while working full time hours, too…
What are some awesome books you finished recently?