Review: The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet

Review time! I just finished reading the Long Way to a Small Angry Planet, and honestly this book was so fun. I need more people to read it! The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers is one of those books that does not have a big plot, but is more driven by its characters. The blurb on the back makes it seem like the story is centered around Rosemary, but in the end every character in the book is important. So a little more about the setting. Rosemary takes on a job as a clerk on…

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It’s a new blog!

Hello readers! Ever since starting my Bookstagram account I have wanted to make it more about the books instead of just the photography and me rambling about my day. I would’ve liked to include reviews as well, but let’s face it, an iPhone isn’t the best for typing out entire texts. So I finally bit the bullet and started this blog! I won’t post reviews exclusively though, you can expect me to talk about basically anything bookish! If you have read my about section, you know that I am a girl from The Netherlands. However, I have decided to post entirely in…

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