Happy Top Ten Tuesday everyone! It’s a very rainy and dark day today. Perfect for reading! If only I didn’t have to do groceries later today…
Anyway, Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can find all past and future prompts on her blog! This week the prompt is: spring cleaning freebie!growth
I was thinking about what to write for this topic. I don’t really do spring cleaning, and I also don’t feel like yeeting books off my TBR. So, I started thinking about what comes to mind when I think of spring. And the answer is growth! So I’m going to disregard the “cleaning” part of this freebie, and talk to you about some books that in my opinion had some amazing character growth!
A Court of Silver Flames
By Sarah J. Maas
For me, this is a very obvious choice. Mostly because I finished it barely a week ago and it’s still fresh in my mind. I always think that Maas does character arcs really well, and I love going back to the beginning of the series to see how much a character has grown. I especially love Nesta’s growth, because she really became better, without giving up the core of who she is. To be honest I would’ve chucked this book in the ocean if Maas had made her fluffy and docile.
A Court of Wings and Ruin
By Sarah J. Maas
Can’t have ACOSF without ACOTAR. In ACOTAR, Feyre at one point remarked that she and Nesta are essentially the same, and I think that really became apparent after I reread ACOTAR after finishing ACOSF. But anyway, I love Feyre’s growth, too! In the beginning of the series she as honestly very one-dimensional, and her life and world were very small. I loved rereading this series the past days, because the difference between Feyre in ACOTAR and Feyre in ACOWAR is quite large.
The Final Empire
By Brandon Sanderson
I love Vin’s character growth because I think it’s quite subtle. Her world was also very narrow and basically came down to just surviving day by day. After her life got uprooted by Kelsier, I think she was just extra lost. But the Vin at the end of the series definitely wasn’t. I loved reading about how she grew into her powers and her purpose. Also, if anyone wants to cry about the ending of the series with me, feel free.
By Brandon Sanderson
I know I’m repeating myself here, but I had to add Skyward. Spensa’s character growth was just so unusual. Normally, and especially in YA, female characters are so lost and unsure about themselves. Except Spensa was the direct opposite and only became unsure about herself later in the series. I really hope we get some news about Skyward 3’s release date soon, because I can’t wait!
The Empire of Gold
By S.A. Chakraborty
I feel like all characters in this book deserve a shoutout, but I think I like Nahri and Ali’s arcs best. I can’t even give any real examples of why I have this opinion, because literally all knowledge of these books have fled my mind while writing this post. But, I know for sure I liked their arcs. I think I just really enjoy it when characters get to expand their world view and change their perspectives.
By Robert Jackson Bennett
It’s been a while since I pushed this book in your faces. I couldn’t leave it out of this list. I loved Sancia’s growth in this book, and also in the sequel; Shorefall. Again, her world was tiny and her biggest concerns were doing her job and not dying in the process. She went from actively trying to stay out of trouble, to basically causing it. But I think my favorite part of her journey was when she caught feelings and she didn’t know what the heck they were.
Tower of Dawn
By Sarah J. Maas
I know, I know.. another Maas book. This’ll be the last one on this list, I swear. But, I had to add Chaol! I never really disliked him in the first two TOG books, but thinking back on it, he was kind of a bigot, wasn’t he? I really enjoyed reading about him in Tower of Dawn though. Actually I think his character arc is my favorite in the whole TOG series, because it’s huge, and kind of went from 0 to 100 real quick.
Red Rising
By Pierce Brown
Have I ever told you guys how much I love this series? Yes?? Well, lemme tell you again. I love Darrow’s arc, like, a lot. But more than that, I love how this series tackles questions of society, and how it illustrated that people aren’t solidly divided by class, but rather are individually nuanced. Plus it’s also brutal, and I like that. I hope to finally start reading Iron Gold this year!
I genuinely love stories of personal growth.
I like your post prompt swerve today.
Thank you! And yes, me too. I think even if they’re not applicable one’s own life, and the stories are entirely fictional, one can still learn a lot ?
I loved your spin this week! Character growth is something I love seeing.
My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-books-about-fresh-starts/
Thank you! And yes, me too. It’s always special to join characters on their journeys 🙂
I love your intepretation of the prompt! I went for Books To Break Your Reading Slump.
I have Foundryside sitting on my shelves, looks like I need to get to it soon!
Thank you!! Your topic is excellent too. I always feel a little slumpy in the dark winter months ? I found Foundryside such an excellent read, I hope you enjoy it too!?
I love your spin on this week’s prompt! Maas definitely does character growth arcs really well, I’ve actually noticed that all of my favourite books of hers involve the characters dealing with some kind of trauma and undergoing a healing journey: Heir of Fire, Tower of Dawn, A Court of Mist and Fury, she seems to do that particular character arc incredibly well.
My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2021/03/09/top-ten-tuesday-306/
Thank you!! And yes, I agree. Dealing with trauma isn’t fun of course, but it’s made for some amazing books and I think she puts a lot of thought in her characters’ journeys.
I REALLLLLLYYY need to read Sanderson and Brown! I can’t believe I haven’t yet as I’ve heard ONLY good things about both! Happy reading 🙂
Yess you should! Though it took me a long time to read Sanderson’s books, too. I finally picked up Mistborn because the employee at Barnes & Noble basically threw it at my face ? Happy reading!!?
Nice twist on the topic! I love it when a character experiences growth during a story. In fact, if the MC doesn’t grow at least a LITTLE bit, I get annoyed. LOL.
Happy TTT!
Thank you!! And yes me too lol. As long as the characters are well written, I tend to care less about the plot. But if they stay flat the whole time… On the DNF pile it goes ?
I love your take on this week’s topic and I agree that Sarah J Maas does really great character growth in her books!
Thank you!! I’m always impressed with how much character development she can fit in a few books lol